
The IESC offers a variety of explosives safety courses, workshops and seminars tailored to meet customer requirements and diverse trainee populations: representatives of the military bodies and units, governmental agencies and defense industries.
The most popular course is the basic explosive safety course (duration: 3 days), which covers all the explosives safety issues and includes lectures of experts from the academia and from governmental ministries and agencies. The lectures and presentations thoroughly cover all aspects of explosive safety, including the international explosives safety standards and manuals of countries around the globe (as relevant to specific trainee groups), and the MOD explosives safety manual.
Additionally, the course includes practical exercises of site planning and Q-D’s calculations, with literature provided by the IESC.
The basic course is recognized by the Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, and provides graduates with professional tools that enrich their knowledge and increase organizational awareness to explosives safety, and the implementation of safety procedures by those responsible for handling and storing explosives.
The curriculum of the basic explosives safety course includes:

  • Introduction to explosives safety
  • Safety standards and manuals
  • Hazard, Compatibility and Sensitivity of explosives – classification and rules
  • Risks and effects of an explosive event, permissible exposures
  • Definition and determination of facilities and objects
  • Quantity-Distance calculations
  • Site planning
  • Introduction to underground storage
  • Accidents – prevention and reporting

The IESC customizes explosives safety training programs to best meet the needs of each client, including classroom exercises and demonstrations in the field.